Sunday, March 27

Critical Mass Gruntz Army Deals

I have teamed up with Crititcal Mass Games to build two starter armies based on the Protolene and 
Kaamados factions. Details of the deal can be found on the Critical Mass web site under the Salute pre-order page.  You can also find the Arc force starter which was featured at the Hammerhead show.  

You can download the PDF files in the Yahoo group here: Yahoo Group PDF Files They do come with a health warning that they are the draft cards, so some fine tuning is required with feedback from the playtest group.  

The cards will also be re-organised into a single PDF for each starter army, currently you need to print and select what you want from the set.  

Please note that whilst printing these cards you should select the multiple pages per side option from within adobe acrobat. It will allow you to print 6 cards on one A4 or Letter page, rather than having to print a single card on each side of A4 which wastes paper and time. 

1 comment:

Thanks for taking the time to comment on the blog! Robin